Month End Activity –June

Date : 30/06/2022

As a part of month end activity, school conducts various activities at the last day of the month. These activities bring out the best in each students.

Class 1 – 3 ( Best out of Waste)

Little hands and creative minds came together to enclose the month of June with the Month End Activity-Best out of Waste ,based on the theme : ‘Progress and Preservation.’ The tiny toddlers of standard 1 st to 3 rd prepared very creative articles using the general waste materials like pencil shavings and waste bottles . They created impressive array of articles such as Wall frames , Pencil stands , Piggy banks etc. The objective behind this activity was
to inculcate, the value of the need to reuse and recycle the waste creatively, in the students.

Class 4 &5 ( Seed Ball Making)

In order to make the students realize the theme ‘Preservation and Progress’, a seedball making activity was conducted for them. Students were taken to the playground where they placed the seed inside the balls made from mud. The students brought variety of seeds to make the seedballs as guided by the teachers. The little minds were very happy to roll the mud balls inspite their hands got covered in mud.

Classes 6, 7 & 8 – A visit to an organic farm

The main objective of conducting a field trip for students is to reinforce experiential and contextual learning. Field trips are a way of enhancing classroom learning by making real world connections.

As a part of month end activity , students of classes VI, VII and VIII visited an organic farm amely Anand Agri Biotech farm in the nearby village Durgapur. The farmer Mr. Prashant Pulate shared the information about the
“ Vermi Compost Plant” . He explained students the process by which worms are used to convert organic materials (usually wastes) into a humus- like material which is the compost. Students were curious to know about the
various terms, methods, equipment and the process of converting the soil into the compost. It was an opportunity for the students to know about the importance and benefits of organic farming.

Class 9 & 10 – Poster Making ( Topic- Advertisement on Ideal food packaging)

The objective of the activity was to ignite the fire of imagination and creativity in the students. Students of all the four houses participated in the activity with immense zeal and enthusiasm and made beautiful posters which
gave the message of varieties of foods and its value in the health of people. It was a great opportunity to watch these young minds creating and displaying their ideas on paper. The students thoroughly enjoyed the activity.

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