August Club Activity


Venue: Nirmal Pimpri
Objective: To get acquainted with organic farming technological skills and get upgraded to the latest technology in Dragon fruit farming.

Art Club : Eco- friendly Ganesha Idol making.

“Ganesh Chaturthi” is a Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Ganesha.

With the theme Progress and Preservation Students of classes 6 to 9 made Eco-friendly Ganesha under the guidance of Mr. Ghodake sir on 27 August 2022 in the workshop arranged in Art Club. Enthusiasm among the students was such high that entire atmosphere was transformed into real old Indian culture.

Elocution & Drama Club: Script writing

‘Elocution is the way or manner of speaking- it is the skill of delivering the clear and expressive speech’. On Saturday 27 th August 27, 2022 the club in charge teachers conducted script reading activity for the students. All the students were divided in four groups and the script reading was taken by teachers. The teachers gave different topics to all the students to prepare an anchoring on it.

Chef Club : A visit to a Dairy.

Venue : Ranjan Dairy Nimgaonjali.

With an objective to make the students aware with the different methods of preservation, a field visit was organized for the chef club students. Classes 6 to 9 were accompanied with Incharge teachers to the nearest Ranjan Dairy in Nimgaonjali. The Incharge person of the dairy unit gave an introduction of company profile and its functioning in dairy industry for different milk products.

Heritage club : Visit to a historical place

Old buildings are witnesses to the aesthetic and cultural history of a city and helping to give people a sense of place and connection to the past, Little flower school arranged a field visit to historical sites such as Konchi-Manchi and Nimgaonjali on 27th August 2022 for the students of heritage club. The main attraction of the field visit was the fortification of Konchi-Manchi village which is situated in Sangamner
tehsil now. It was fortified by wood, bricks and stones around the village. It was built because people were afraid of attacks from other kings and needed protection.

Knitting and Stitching Club : Embroidery

Based on the theme of the year Progress and preservation, Students learnt to preserve our Indian heritage of traditional textile of Kantha embroidery of West Bengal with great eagerness. In this club activity students did surface ornamentation on plain kurta and fabric with great enthusiasm. The students were guided by the teachers for creating beautiful designs like motifs, shapes etc. Students enjoyed the stitching and creating best through the designs.

Techno Club : As a part of Club activity, Techno club introduced Python programming to the students. Python is widely used in the world of Data Science. Python is an interpreter, general purpose, and high level programming language that has become the go to choice for developers around the world when it comes to building web applications, games, GUIs, tackling Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning workloads, automation and so much more.

Following were the programs executed by the students of Techno Club:

Adventure Club :  The Club has few important objectives:
*To promote Adventure sports among the youths
*To promote integrity and solidarity through adventure sports
*To generate better quality of human resources through adventure sports
Apart from the sports, a sportsperson has to know the basic training and rules of primary aid and safety practices
To fulfil the aim, Adventure club organised a workshop on learning the basics of scout and guide. The resource person Mr. Kashinath Baburao Buchde himself a scout guided the students to learn the various knots useful in safety measures during
Following were the knots demonstrated in the workshop:
 Reef knot
 Bale knot
 Sheet knot
 Half hitch knot
Students were curious and enthusiast to know them. It was a fruitful workshop.

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