“Aladdin…. The Magical Lamp”

Saturday: 30th October, 2023

“There was a reason to smile for every student in Little Flower School as the annual day celebrated was a grand success and everyone enjoyed it thoroughly.”

The Annual Day 2022-23, for the Primary Section, was held on Saturday, 30th October, 2023 at Little Flower School, Loni with full gusto and fervor. The event was graced by the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Bora, proud parents of Ms. Krushna Bora who secured 1 st rank in
All India Secondary School board exam with 95.60 % as Chief Guest and Honourable Joint Secretary Mrs. Nandini Vikhe Patil as a Guest of Honour. The theme; “Aladdin, The Magical Journey”, based on G20, was an effort to bring to light the Specialities of ten countries of G20. The event commenced with a Lightening of the Lamp by the chief Guest; followed with the felicitation of our eminent chief guest and other dignitaries. Mrs.Nandini Vikhe Patil, Director ,School Programmes, Vikhe Patil Foundation, graced the occasion with her presence and presided over the function. Distinguished guests and dignitaries, elite guardians and parents witnessed a spectacular culmination of colorful dances with a powerful drama which served as an eye-opener conveying a strong message. The speech by the chief guest was Inspiring and
enriching message for everyone present. A short speech was presented by Principal ma’am to put lights on the activities of the school.

The students depicted the “Aladdin.. The Magical Lamp” theme – representing the 10 countries of G20 (India, USA, China, Japan, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Italy, South Korea) with drama, dances and songs. The colorful costumes, special lights,
effects and props added to the beauty of the performances. The hard work of the students, teamwork of the staff, meticulous planning by the Section Coordinators and the able guidance and support of Ms. Savita Rupawate, Principal , LFS Loni contributed to the execution of a
wonderful performance.

The curtains rose to the students taking the stage with its dazzling lights where Aladdin and Jasmine were introduced to the audience. This was when Jasmin wished to have a magical lamp and see the world around me . Seeing her enthusiasm Aladdin gets the magical lamp
where Ginie and Mat were introduced and the show started with an amazing Carnival program of Carnival. The event was further taken with Lots of Enjoyment. The curtains drew to a thunderous applause from the audience, for that day, a whopping 400 students had taken
the stage by storm and had won the hearts of all the spectators with their riveting performance! The program concluded with Vande Mataram

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