Excelling Beyond Boundaries: Little Flower School Shines in Olympiads

Little Flower School, Loni, proudly celebrates the remarkable achievements of its students in various national and international Olympiads for the academic year 2024-25. With over 950 students participating, our young achievers have demonstrated excellence across multiple
disciplines. In the SOF International English Olympiad (IEO), 23 students earned Gold Medals of Excellence, with 5 qualifying for the next level. The SOF General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO) saw 18 students securing Gold Medals.

In the National Science Olympiad (NSO), 260 students participated, winning 33 Gold Medals, and 13 students advanced to the next round. The International Hindi Olympiad (IHO) had 24 participants, with 8 earning Gold Medals. The Mathematics Olympiad by Ignited Minds Lab witnessed 364 students competing, with 28 qualifying for the Grand Finale and 48 securing Gold Medals. Additionally, in the International Social Studies Olympiad (ISSO), 42 students participated, earning 6 Gold Medals. Results for the National Cyber Olympiad (NCO) are awaited.

These outstanding results reflect the hard work, dedication, and academic brilliance of our students. Little Flower School remains committed to nurturing young minds and fostering a culture of excellence. Congratulations to all our achievers!

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